Handa Nursing Home and Stone Clinic in Raja Garden, Delhi Nephrology and Urology Clinics in Delhi
Table of Content Radiology Equipments Dr.A K Handa Management of New Born Care Growth And Development Including General Paediatri But can be done by lowering the risk factors of breast cancer. Handa Nursing Home and Stone Clinic is temporarily not accepting online appointment please call directly to book. Full back up facilities for post treatment checkups, resistant recurring stones. The following special benefits are extended to the patient at the inconvenience involved in a surgical procedure. Yes, with the dawn of a new technology the stone removal procedure has become simpler and painless. What's more, it has eliminated totally, the need for surgical intervention! This anaesthesia free, painless, bloodless procedure is called Lithotripsy. Radiology Equipments This section also contains the contact details of the hospital so that you consult doctors for your medical issues. You can call the mentioned number and book a preferred appointment slot at . Handa Nursing ...